All Projects


ReadersStash is a social media app to share ideas from books, articles & podcasts.

Tech Stack: React, Redux, Typescript, GraphQL, styled-components, MongoDB, mongoose, Cloudinary


Enwise is a video library where you'll find a curated set of insightful videos on various topics.

Tech Stack: React, Typescript, styled-components, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize


Bookscape is an eCommerce store for books.

Tech Stack: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, mongoose, jsonwebtoken & bcrypt


LingoHub is an app where you can interact with native speakers of the language you want to learn. To try the app go to the playstore and download an app called Expo then scan the QR code given in the link below.

Tech Stack: React Native,, Node, Express, MongoDB, mongoose, flexsearch, firebase-auth


A CSS component library to speed up your development process while building elegant and responsive apps.

Tech Stack: Vanilla CSS, highlight.js