Hello, I’m Rohit Dhatrak, a developer skilled in JavaScript and React. I have interned at Wyzr as a full-stack developer where I have worked with Next.js, ChakraUI, Node and MongoDB. I’m a Teaching Assistant at neoG which is a coding boot camp where I’m responsible for conducting doubt solving sessions and reviewing projects. I like to explore and learn new web technologies so I have made some projects using TypeScript, GraphQL, Redux and React Native. I’m also a part of various online communities where I have hosted book clubs on JavaScript.

Work Experience


Full Stack Developer (Intern)

Jun 2021 - Feb 2022

  • Built the entire reading interface using Next.js and Chakra UI.
  • Used static site generation (SSG) for faster loading time.
  • Built an end to end nested commenting system. Used node and MongoDB for the backend.

Recent Projects


ReadersStash is a social media app to share ideas from books, articles & podcasts.

Tech Stack: React, Redux, Typescript, GraphQL, styled-components, MongoDB, mongoose, Cloudinary


Enwise is a video library where you'll find a curated set of insightful videos on various topics.

Tech Stack: React, Typescript, styled-components, Node, Express, PostgreSQL, Sequelize


Bookscape is an eCommerce store for books.

Tech Stack: React, Node, Express, MongoDB, mongoose, jsonwebtoken & bcrypt

Recent Posts


styled-components + TypeScript in a React Application

24th July 2021

In this talk I go through what styled-components has to offer and some of the advantages of using styled-components. In the end I also show how you can create your own utility based mini-component library using styled-components.